Our newest publication focuses on American Fulbright scholar Julia Mann’s cultural exchange in Hungary. She shares her deep involvement in the Hungarian theatre scene at a critical time for the country's theatre and political ecology. In each issue she discusses local productions and interviews prominent Budapest theatremakers and leaders.
Click on any issue to read in full.
Cover Photo: SOCIOPOLY at Bálint Ház [photo credit: Bass László]
Initial Impressions
On Funding
Participatory Theatre
- Favorite Productions:STEREO AKT’s Colony and Addressless, Femini's Social Karaoke, and Lifeboat Unit's Sociopoly
Interview with Martin Boross
Cover Photos: Harmonia [photo credit: Jörg Landsberg] (top), I dreamed with my grandmother [photo credit: Róde Péter] (bottom)
Trafó House of Contemporary Arts
The Observers - Kristóf Kelemen
Harmonia - Hodworks and Unusual Symptoms
- I dreamed with my grandmother - László Göndöroke
Interview with Beáta Barda

Julia Mann, a 2021-2022 Fulbright Fellow to Hungary, is a recent graduate of Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois where she double majored in Theatre and Global Health Studies and minored in both Film & Media Studies and Business Institutions. While there, she was the Executive Director of Sit & Spin Productions, an experimental theatre collective, and the Producer of Griffin’s Tale Children’s Repertory Theatre—a touring group dedicated to adapting short stories written by Chicago elementary school students into performances.
With Fulbright’s support, she is currently spending 9 months in Budapest studying independent theatre companies. Her research investigates the impact of the changing availability of public funds for independent theatre artists on the content and form of the art they create. She is specifically interested in the intersection of arts and advocacy; particularly in participatory and documentary theatre/film. At the end of her grant period, she plans to move to New York City to begin a career working in production or journalism.